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    • Mar24Thu

      Maundy Thursday

      March 24, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Intern Pastor Ronnie Smith

      Today is a dark day in the Christian calendar, this is not really a feel good event. How many times have you heard the words, “in the night in which he was betrayed?” Tonight is the night of the Last Supper, as told by the Gospel of John.

      You know what, I love the Gospel of John. It is a rich narrative about Jesus’ ministry,...

    • Mar16Wed

      Wednesday in Lent

      March 16, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Intern Pastor Ronnie Smith

      There is a lot of heavy stuff in today’s reading; faith, sin, atonement, law, death, justification. The first thing that jumps out at me is the most important theological principle in the Lutheran tradition. Justification through faith.

      Basically what that means is that it is God’s grace and forgiveness, which makes us acceptable to...

    • Mar13Sun

      Intimacy with Jesus

      March 13, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      “The house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.” (Jn.12:3)

      Over these weeks of Lent, with our Wednesday soup suppers, I’ve been routinely preparing a soup to bring and share at our soup supper.

      And as the soup simmers on the stove top in my home, how that aroma, that wonderful savoury smell of simmering soup fills the...

    • Mar6Sun

      Sermon - March 6, 2016

      March 6, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Intern Pastor Ronnie Smith

      Imagine, if you will, that someone you love is having trouble breathing and you know it is serious. What do you do? You would seek medical attention. Perhaps you’re scared and worried. You see the fear and panic in the eyes of your loved one and those gathered around in love and support, no one is sure what to expect. The medical staff put...

    • Feb28Sun

      Springtime Lent

      February 28, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      An under-reported fact, in the immediate aftermath of the tragic events of September 11, 2001 – before the reactions, political analysis and military retaliation – something happened that was … remarkable.

      People called home.

      It was an automatic human response, erupting almost everywhere regardless of politics or religion.

    • Feb24Wed

      Open Hands

      February 24, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Intern Pastor Ronnie Smith

      Please, let us take a moment and think about what it means that Jesus laid his hands on a few sick people and cured them.

      When I was younger I was working as a delivery driver for a tool and die shop. One day while lifting a heavy load from the back of the van up onto the dock I tore the ligaments in my wrist. As a musician I was particularly...

    • Feb14Sun

      Sermon - February 14, 2016

      February 14, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Intern Pastor Ronnie Smith

      Five years ago, life looked a whole lot different for me. Hilla and I were living in Ottawa with no children. We had coasted into town on a hope and a prayer, the van I traded for to get us there promptly died shortly after we moved into our apartment. She was a Music Director at a church and I was working as the Research Analyst Assistant to...

    • Feb7Sun

      In the Midst, is Glory

      February 7, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      (Exodus 34, Luke 9)

      I still remember some years ago, during a summer vacation, Patty and I were attending a worship service on a warm Sunday morning at a church nearby to where we were staying.

      We were sitting in a pew near the back, so we had a good view of the back of everyone’s head.

      There was a boy maybe six or seven years old, siting...

    • Jan31Sun

      Sermon - January 31, 2016

      January 31, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Intern Pastor Ronnie Smith

      In this week’s readings, we are confronted repeatedly by the prophetic word of God through a variety of means. God speaks to and through people to teach us about the divine way, modeling for us how we are to live. This God speaking to and through us reminded me of a poem I read recently by Rainer Maria Rilke from his work the Book of...

    • Jan17Sun

      Sermon January 17, 2016

      January 17, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Intern Pastor Ronnie Smith
      So what does all of this mean? How might we to interpret this Gospel lesson? How does it relate to life for us today?