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    • Jan10Sun

      God Delighting & Taking Pleasure In …

      January 10, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      A new student looks out on a sea of strange faces in the high school cafeteria,
      … wondering where he should sit,
      … which group he should join,
      … how he will be received…

      A woman walks down the hall in her empty house to look at her daughter’s bedroom,
      … the bedroom contains pictures and souvenirs of...

    • Jan3Sun

      Who’s the Main Actor?

      January 3, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      We have this morning, on this Second Sunday of Christmas, the Gospel reading actually appointed for Christmas Day – the Gospel of John, chapter one.

      In a very straightforward way, we hear about how Jesus – this newborn babe in swaddling clothes lying in a manger – is actually God in the flesh.

      If we’re to take anything...

    • Dec31Thu

      God the Instigator

      December 31, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      For my New Year’s Eve reflections today, I want to pick up on and carry forward the words of assurances and encouragement that we heard in the scripture passages in Isaiah and the Gospel of Matthew.

      And these assurances and encouragements come not as a result of our actions, of what we do or plan to do, but out of what God does and...

    • Dec27Sun

      Heart People

      December 27, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      In the appointed gospel reading from Luke chapter 2 on this First Sunday after Christmas, we fast forward from celebrating the coming of God to us in the baby Jesus born in Bethlehem, and jump ahead to a time when Jesus is already a teenager.

      And we follow all the stressful drama of this teen and his parents, as Jesus gets “lost” in...

    • Dec25Fri

      Up Close & Personal with the Christ Child

      December 25, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Have you noticed that many of these nativity sets, manger scenes, are so full, even too full, of figurines of people and animals!

      They’re way too overpopulated!

      Whether the nativity set is sitting on a shelf, or nice fireplace mantel, or in a store window, or on a front lawn …

      … We see a whole group of “Wisemen”...

    • Nov22Sun

      Love Over Certainty

      November 22, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      (John 18:33-37 & 2 Samuel 23:1-7)

      Fear and uncertainty has gripped the world.

      In the aftermath of the brazen shootings and terror bombings in Paris and Beirut, and the bombing of that Russian airline over the Sinai Peninsula….

      …. and then the racist violence which followed:
      against an innocent Muslim woman in Toronto,

    • Nov1Sun

      Permeable, Penetrable Rock

      November 1, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      There’s a screen-saver picture that appears this week on my computer: an image of this enormous cliff, this sheer rock face as part of a mountain side… this overwhelmingly large flat, hard, grey rock, filling the whole screen.
      And right in the middle of this rock face, in the centre of the picture, so tiny as to be hardly noticeable...

    • Oct30Fri

      Grace: Free to be a Blessing

      October 30, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Katherine

      It would be neglectful of me, who is, among others here at St. Matthews, helping to lead our Renewal Task Force, to not talk about reform and renewal on this day we celebrate as Reformation Sunday.

      This is the day we celebrate the free gift of grace for all through Jesus Christ. This is the day we celebrate that we are freed from captivity,...

    • Oct13Tue

      Open-Ended & Expansive

      October 13, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      This episode in the Gospel of Mark this morning could go down as one of the great “Unsolved Mysteries” of the New Testament.

      That’s because we never hear what happened to the rich young man.

      We never hear the end of his story… never find out what he did … whether or not he “sold everything” and...

    • Sep22Tue

      Small But Mighty: The Tongue

      September 22, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Katherine

      Words are powerful.  The Hebrew people knew how powerful they were.

      Creation itself begins with a word spoken. When we open our Bibles, on the first page it says, “In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the...