Ministry Volunteer Contacts

    Board of Directors:         

    President: Kim S.

    Vice-President: Mike L.

    Treasurer: Mary-Ellen W.

    Secretary: John H.

    Learning:  Mike L.

    Running the Church: John H., Don R.

    Sharing & Caring: Bob K.

    Worship & the Arts: John H.

    Ministry Contacts:          

    Altar: Gwenanne J.

    Broadcast Committee: Andrew W.

    Book Club: 

    Building & Property: Ron R. & Tim S.

    Coffee Hour: Bev R.

    Communications: Peter W.

    Devotional Books: Marleen C.

    FaithLife Branch: Emannuel G.

    Finance: Mary-Ellen W.

    Foundation: Dennis G.

    Learning: Sebastian M-H.

    Loaves & Fishes: Nick C.

    Mutual Ministry:            

    Office & Personnel: Diane K.

    Out of the Cold: Kevin E.

    Prayer Circle: Grace S.

    Sharing & Caring: Bev R. & Steve D.

    St. Matthews Women: Marjorie K.

    Sunday School/VBS: Carey M-H.

    Ushers: Peter M.

    Worship & the Arts: Scott K.

    Youth: Sebastian M-H.