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A Fork in the Road: Break the Box Open
November 25, 2024 by Carey Meadows-Helmer- Filed Under:
- Pr. Carey
When have you hit a fork in the road? A junction or crossroad, where you had to choose the path you would take?
Decisions about relationships, finances, health, work, how we spend our time, who we spend our time with, ethical choices or faith. Some forks in the road are small while others are large. Yes, these forks in the...
Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away.
Now it looks as though they're here to stay.
Oh, I believe in yesterday.
You know the song. And the obvious question, who’s the band? The challenges of the day make yesterday seem like a walk in the park. The song speaks of a challenge and a relational mess. Something...
What is right?
A sermon on Matthew 20: the landowners and the vineyard labourers September 26, 2023 by Sebastian Meadows-Helmer- Filed Under:
- Pr. Carey, Pr. Sebastian
As I mentioned before, this is an edited version of Carey’s sermon for today.
Often when we hear a parable,
we try to find where we fit into the story.
We may identify with different angles of the story, we may focus on different parts of the story
which helps us to understand it
Perhaps the situation of the early ...
Good Friday
The Passion of Our Lord according to the Gospel of John
What events and life circumstances have impacted you most in your life?
Often we hear people say:
I remember where I was here when …..
People often remember vividly where they were and who they were with when a major event occurs, both good and not so good.
I’ve had it. This is not sustainable. We’ve put in our 10 000 hours to make us quote unquote experts, but we have nothing to show for it. How are we suppose to live if we can’t catch any fish to feed our people? Only one fish, if you count that one that minnow. Look at those empty nets and we’ve been fishing all night....
Narrative Gospels such as the Wedding at Cana invite us to enter into the story with the life giving currents of abundance and hospitality. What causes you to engage in dialogue with the text? What is meaningful and enters you into Gospel living? What do you push back against.
The wedding at Cana is the place where Jesus begins his public...
Christmas Eve
That night the shepherds were wistful.
Under the night sky, the shepherds lay beside their flock of sheep. On the cooler nights, they kept warm this way, nestled among the sheep, the bleating hushed. Sheep know the voice of a good shepherd - who lays down beside them. A welcomed calm blanketed them. The...
Stitching It Back Together
November 14, 2021 by Carey Meadows-Helmer- Filed Under:
- Pr. Carey
25th Sunday after Pentecost
Hebrews 10: 11-25
During my seminary time, a beautiful quilt made by Lutheran church ladies was given to each graduating student. On the day they were gifted, the quilts were draped in the seminary chapel. The students walked around admiring the work. I identified my favourite. It was boldly...
Celebrating 75 Years of CLWR
October 24, 2021 by Carey Meadows-Helmer- Filed Under:
- Pr. Carey
A Grassroots Movements Among Lutherans
Today we recognize the extraordinary work of Canadian Lutheran world relief. A grassroots movement started by Lutherans in Canada in March 1946 in response to the needs for relief and refuge following the Second World War. Thousands of refugees were assisted in finding a new home in Canada. As...
Children's Message: Eating Healthy for Our Bodies and the Planet
October 3, 2021 by Carey Meadows-Helmer- Filed Under:
- Pr. Carey
Season of Creation Sunday
Hello dear children of God,
Do any of you like to help make food creations in the kitchen? Do you pull a chair or stool up to the counter so you can work alongside a grown up? Maybe you like to measure the flour, sugar, salt, eggs, milk, butter and baking powder for pancakes like my kids. Maybe some of you are at the...