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    • Sep22Tue

      Food for Life: Body and Blood

      September 22, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Katherine

      In John’s gospel, Jesus is using these great “I am” statements to tell us the truth about who he is. He calls upon the great traditions and stories of Moses, here specifically echoing the words that God whispers to Moses upon finding the bush that would not burn down. What is your name, what shall I say to the people, Moses...

    • Sep20Sun

      The Little Way

      September 20, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      I have an ASUS computer tablet I use daily for my work.
      And every time I turn it on, I see these words flash on my screen as the machine boots up: “ASUS: Inspiring Innovation; Persistent Perfection.”

      These words have become so familiar. I think I’ve almost memorized them by now….say them in my sleep.
      Almost every day I...

    • Sep6Sun


      September 6, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      A lifeline.

      It’s a loaded word, because, when a lifeline is all you have, it becomes the single most important thing around.

      A lifeline keeps you safe. It keeps you alive. It pulls you out of danger. It can rescue you out of a certain catastrophic end. It becomes your “best friend.”

      Much like that rope that runs down the middle...

    • Aug9Sun

      On Fires & Life

      August 9, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Over the last couple of Sundays, we’ve been focussing our attention on the Gospel of John chapter 6 which is full of rich, symbolic and metaphorical language about who Jesus is, what he’s all about, and what his life’s purpose and mission is.

      And, to be honest, this passage can raise a lot of questions.

      For example: What does...

    • Jul26Sun

      A New Orleans Storm

      July 26, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      This morning I want to share some of my thoughts on the Gospel reading – John 6:1-14 – that we just heard, about how Jesus takes the little boy’s meagre five loaves and two fish, and out of that, creates enough food, an abundance of food, enough to feed five thousand people.

      In this story, we’re once again given a glimpse...

    • Jul19Sun

      “Resume Virtues” or “Eulogy Virtues”

      July 19, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      In the Gospel reading in Mark 6, the word that pops out and resonates for me, is the word “rest.”
      Mark 6: 31: “[Jesus] said to them [the Apostles], “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while….”

      Rest. What a wonderful concept. Am I right?

      And yet, as we all know, true rest is often...

    • Jun7Sun

      “So We Do Not Lose Heart”

      June 7, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Mark 3: 20-35, 2 Corinthians 4:13- 5:1

      A phrase that jumped out for me from today’s scripture readings, is in the 2nd reading, in the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Corinthians.

      “So we do not lose heart.”
      What wonderful, supportive, encouraging words to the Corinthian Church!

      “So we do not lose heart.”

      Paul is...

    • May10Sun

      Soul-withering OR Life-giving

      May 10, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Jesus commands us to love.

      Now, some may hear Jesus’ words in this passage from the Gospel of John as a bit heavy, and top-down.

      That’s because today, the word “commandment” has a more negative than positive connotation.
      “I command you to do this….”
      We’d often hear these words in a loud,...

    • May3Sun

      Roots, Webs, Vines & Connection

      May 3, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      I recently met Mark, a Chippewa of Rama First Nation elder, when he spoke to us last weekend as a guest speaker at a meeting of Bishops, Ministry Directors, Deans and Synod Council on the eastern shores of Lake Couchiching outside Orillia.

      Mark spoke to us about how difficult decisions are made in his aboriginal community, when there are many...

    • Apr5Sun

      We are Brought Low…And so is God

      April 5, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      I can still hear that loud pounding of the nails, piercing the silence, echoing, resounding, throughout the large room.

      A Good Friday tradition observed in my first parish at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Halifax involved, at one point in the worship, the invitation to the congregation to come forward, and with a hammer and nails which were...