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    • Apr1Wed

      Listening with Your Eyes on Palm Sunday

      April 1, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Was anyone listening?

      Was anyone really paying attention, noticing what was going on as Jesus entered Jerusalem in the way he did: riding a colt (or donkey as other Gospel versions have it)… on a simple, humble, unadorned, yet-untrained, colt….

      Who was really paying attention?

      Of course, human nature being what it is, in every time...

    • Mar3Tue

      A Dark or Light-Coloured Suit?

      March 3, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      I still remember a conversation I had with a friend at a backyard barbeque party, years ago now when I was in my early twenties.

      And it was about suits.
      The right kind of suit to wear, to an upcoming university graduation or convocation or year-end party; or some such event like that – I can’t remember for sure.

      But I do remember the...

    • Feb1Sun

      The Voice of ….

      February 1, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      The sound of someone’s voice can be very unique and distinctive to their personality and nature.

      In popular culture and media, we have easily recognizable and familiar vocal personalities.

      “The Voice” of the Kitchener Rangers on 570 radio – Don Cameron and Mike Farwell…

      “The Voice” of the “The...

    • Feb1Sun

      The Voice of....

      February 1, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      The sound of someone’s voice can be very unique and distinctive to their personality and nature.

      In popular culture and media, we have easily recognizable and familiar vocal personalities.

      “The Voice” of the Kitchener Rangers on 570 radio – Don Cameron and Mike Farwell…

      “The Voice” of the “The...

    • Jan11Sun

      Threshold Moments: Becoming More Alive

      January 11, 2015
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Have you seen the recent movie “The Secret World of Walter Mitty”, starring Ben Stiller? (It’s always fun to watch actor comedian Ben Stiller). It was in theatres last year, and these days you can catch it on Netflix or Red Box.

      Now, don’t worry, I’m not going to divulge details in case you want to see this movie,...

    • Dec28Sun

      Vinyl Records, Fountain Pens & Paperbacks

      December 28, 2014
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Vinyl records are back! Did you hear about that?
      On the news yesterday, I heard about it.

      Do you also remember how it was thought vinyl record discs were going completely to disappear with the advent of digital recordings and online streaming?
      Well they were wrong.

      I also heard on the radio some weeks ago an interesting statistic about the sale...

    • Dec27Sat

      Christmas – Face-Timing with God

      December 27, 2014
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      My wife and I have known and enjoyed some good friends for over 25 years – friends who were at our wedding, and with whom we’ve hung out while they were living here in Kitchener for a time.

      But about ten years ago, they moved out west – a few to Saskatchewan, and a few to Alberta.
      We’ve missed them.

      Now, with Face Book...

    • Dec1Mon

      Scared or Sacred? Waiting for God

      December 1, 2014
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      As a hockey game winds down toward the end of the 3rd period, you might recall the announcer, typically, saying over the PA system something like: “One minute remaining…” or “Last minute of play…”

      And we get really pumped.
      A surge of excitement and anticipation suddenly wells up inside us.

      If our team is...

    • Nov2Sun

      God’s Whisper

      November 2, 2014
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Early in life, I grew up with this notion, this assumption, that the world was generally divided into two groups of people.

      In one group were those who essentially “had it all together”, who seemed perfect in every respect, who were ethically, morally, spiritually solid, who somehow had it all figured out – the right decisions...

    • Oct12Sun

      Follow the Light

      October 12, 2014
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      There’s a scene in last year’s animated film The Croods – have you seen it?
      It’s a cute, funny film about a prehistoric family trying to survive in a long-ago, dangerous world of earthquakes, volcanoes, and climate change.

      But there’s this one scene, right in the middle of a volcanic eruption, as the family is...