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    • Sep28Sun

      Unruffled & Unflappable

      September 28, 2014
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Were you watching “ The Amazing Race Canada”  over the summer?

      The winners of the race, revealed last week, were very interesting characters: Mickey and Pete – best friends, “best buds,” from Muskoka.


    • Sep7Sun

      Being “Divergent”

      September 7, 2014
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Maybe this past summer, you’ve had opportunity to be around lots of people – crowds in public places…

      … surrounded by sunbathers on the beach lounging and reading summer novels,
      …or, bumping shoulders with other families doing “back to school shopping” in the malls,
      …or, waiting in long lines...

    • Jul27Sun


      July 27, 2014
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      I remember canoeing some years ago now on Big Mushamush Lake when we lived in Nova Scotia.

      And while it was warm out, and the sun was shining, and it seemed like the perfect afternoon for nice canoe, it was also pretty windy.

      And I remember wrestling mightily with the wind and choppy waves as I paddled out from shore into the middle of the large...

    • Jul20Sun

      Focussed on Weeds…or Wheat?

      July 20, 2014
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      So, Jesus tells this parable – this story – of weeds and wheat growing together, as a picture of what the reign of God looks like.

      Now, I know, that some of you have more tolerance for weeds than others. God bless you. I admire you.

      But I know for me, there’s always something in me that bristles with annoyance at the sight of...

    • Jul13Sun

      “On the Road Again…”

      July 13, 2014
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      If the Bible is the Number One top bestseller of all time, it must also be – I’d guess – the Number One travel journal of all time.

      So many of the stories contained in the Old and New Testaments are about a people on the move, and travelling.

      The epic journey of Abraham and Sarah from Ur to Canaan…

      The Hebrews escaping...

    • Jul6Sun

      On Weddings & Yokes

      July 6, 2014
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      When couples come to me to plan their wedding, and in the conversation that follows, I always like to ask: “How did you two meet?”

      To go back in time, and recall the unique circumstances, people and events – and sometimes even the drama – around two people meeting each other and “falling in love” – all...

    • Jun16Mon

      Get Your Learner’s Permit!

      June 16, 2014
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      In the Gospel text this morning, one word leaps out at me.

      There are lots of words in the scripture readings this morning – interesting, thought-provoking, imagination-stirring, even uplifting words:

      The description of God’s creation of the world and universe, in Genesis.
      The Apostle Paul’s admonition to the Corinthians to...

    • May24Sat

      Connections — Wi Fi & Otherwise

      May 24, 2014
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Something that’s caught my attention in the news in the last while, is the decision by Parks Canada to install Wi-fi hotspots in most of Canada’s national parks beginning this summer.

      So now, in places that used to be thought of as untouched, pristine nature sanctuaries, to which any one of us can escape in unvarnished solitude,...

    • Apr27Sun

      Cynics We All Are; God help us!

      April 27, 2014
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      For people approaching retirement, or for anyone else who would benefit from higher interest rates on their GICs and Bond investments, these years have been brutal.

      Even in the slow economic recovery of the last couple of years, interest rates have remained at historical lows.
      Despite for some time now, government and bank leaders hinting at an...

    • Apr20Sun

      At the Doorstep of the Tomb

      April 20, 2014
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      This was an actual conversation between a mom and her four-year old daughter some days before Easter.

      “Mommy,” asks the four-year old girl, “Will the Easter bunny bring me purple jelly beans?”

      Mom says, “I’m sure he’ll bring you jelly beans. But remember, Easter isn’t just about the bunny....