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    • May22Sun

      Finding Hope

      May 22, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Intern Pastor Ronnie Smith

      This past week as I was going over the lectionary readings, I found myself being drawn to the Apostle Paul’s words in the Book of Romans that speak of suffering, and ultimately, hope. I was probably drawn to those words because my own understanding of hope has been challenged recently. There are two stories I would like to share with you...

    • May15Sun

      God’s Spirit is Good Energy Spirit

      May 15, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Reading through this passage in the book of Acts 2:1-21 – about the Holy Spirit coming upon those disciples, unifying and enlivening them to carry forward the ministry of Jesus – do you notice the positive energy just brimming in this story?

      So much life and goodness just bubbling over:

      Followers of Jesus, once divided over language...

    • May8Sun

      Mediterranean Ministry Adventures

      May 8, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Acts 16:16-34

      This snapshot we have today of Paul’s ministry adventures in the Middle East has it all!
      From a boisterous fortune teller, to a fortuitous earthquake!
      It’s a breathtaking story.

      And this is what I notice about it:
      Like the call to Paul and Silas, the call of God is one that involves motion, movement, a going forth, a...

    • Apr24Sun

      With Open Mouths, Hearts and Hands

      April 24, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Last Sunday I spoke about the difficulty – in fact the impossibility – of speaking about God in exacting terms – talking about God in any definitive, unambiguous way … as if we can comprehend fully and nail down completely our concept of God.

      And, of course, while we do know something very important about God through the...

    • Apr23Sat

      Women of Faith Devotion

      April 23, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Intern Pastor Ronnie Smith
      Where would the church be without Women of Faith? 
    • Apr17Sun

      “Show”, NOT “Tell”

      April 17, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      So, the religious leaders gather around Jesus, and say to him: “How long will you keep us in suspense? If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly.”

      Tell us plainly.

      How much we all prefer “plain-talkers” – people who just tell it straight, to tell it like it is, not to beat around the bush, but just say it...

    • Apr10Sun

      Sermon - April 10, 2016

      April 10, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Intern Pastor Ronnie Smith

      Do you ever notice how mysterious dusk and dawn often are in the Bible? It seems that there is something particularly sacred about these transitional times of day. The Easter journey is full of key events at these particular times, Peter denying Jesus as the rooster crows, Jesus is hurried down from the cross before the Sabbath sun sets, Jesus...

    • Apr3Sun

      Sermon - April 3, 2016

      April 3, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Intern Pastor Ronnie Smith

      Doubting Thomas. It seems that Thomas the Twin often gets a bad rap. He is set up as an easy punching bag in this Gospel reading. How could he not believe the disciples when they told him Jesus dropped in? I wonder if they had April Fool’s Day back then. It seems like a pretty good set up. Perhaps Thomas drew the short straw and was sent...

    • Mar27Sun

      Resurrection happens Regardless…

      March 27, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Well, I for one am glad it’s Easter Sunday – for many different reasons.

      What with this recent ice storm, it seems we’ve been through a long, grey, wearying winter.

      And Holy Week prior to Easter – with its tough and gritty emotions surrounding the suffering, torture and death of Jesus – all of that just beats us...

    • Mar25Fri

      Good Friday

      March 25, 2016
      Filed Under:
      Intern Pastor Ronnie Smith

      Good Friday, what’s so Good about Good Friday?

      It seems a little bit of a misnomer given how gruesome today’s story is. Jesus is tested, betrayed and arrested, humiliated, his disciples reject him, he’s beaten and tortured, put on the cross to suffer a horrible death, witness to the agony on his mother’s face as she...