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    • Laying it Down

      Pastor Carey's Sermon for Good Shepherding Sunday April 22, 2018
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      Good Shepherding Sunday comes faithfully each year. 

      The Lord our shepherd knows, protects and sets a place for us at the table, with a cup overing flowing, leading us to places that restore our soul, following us with goodness and mercy.   

      Jesus is the Good Shepherd. To know of a good shepherd there also must be awareness of a...

    • Apr3Tue

      Not a zombie!

      Pastor Sebastian's first Easter Sermon at St. Matthews April 3, 2018
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      By being silent, the women leave room for God.

      The story is then not as much about what the women did or saw,

      but it’s about what God did!

      The focus is on God! 

    • Sprouting from a Seed

      Pastor Carey's Sermon for the 5th Sunday in Lent March 18, 2018 Pr. Carey
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      O God, whose Son's death begot life, give us grace to let go of our lives, 

      like a seed, and fall to the ground that your life might be rooted in us.   Amen.


      It’s that time of year when those with a green thumb (and those persistent in their hopes of acquiring a green thumb) start to think a little about seeds and upcoming...

    • Mar14Wed

      For God so what?

      John 3:14-21 March 14, 2018
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      But if God is love and loves the whole world,

      how can anyone perish?

      If God is all love for all,

      how can anybody be excluded?

    • Feb26Mon

      Why Ash Wednesday?

      February 26, 2018 Pastor Sebastian
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      The ashen cross points to resurrection and eternal life.

    • Jan23Tue

      Apologize and Repent!

      Baptism of our Lord January 7 2018 January 23, 2018 Pastor Sebastian
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      Use four sentences.

      Sentence one begins: I’m sorry for… (fill in the blank)

      Sentence 2 begins. This is wrong because… (da-da-da)

      Sentence 3 begins: In the future I will… [gesture]

      Sentence 4 is simple: Will you forgive me?

    • Side by Side

      Second Sunday after Epiphany January 14, 2018
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      The grace and peace of our Lord be with you. Amen

      The olive trees in Jerusalem at the garden of Gethsemane were a sight to behold. I could have stood there for hours gazing at the trees with ancient trunks gnarled and knobby - dated to be nearly 1000 years old. From them new shoots were grafted. Olives hung the branches heavy. Abundant. Of great...

    • Dec31Sun

      Mary and Joseph Meet Anna and Simeon

      First Sunday of Christmas December 31, 2017
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      Mary and Joseph

      Forty days had passed since that night in Bethlehem. The angles sang, the shepherds saw, a child was born. On hay Jesus cooed with an animal lullaby around. In the night sky a bright light shattered the darkness. That night, the stable transformed into a place fit to receive a king. A life came into being, against all odds. Born...

    • Dec25Mon

      God's Great Worth Ethic

      Pastor Carey's Christmas Morning Sermon December 25, 2017
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      On this Christmas day, the bells of St. Matthews ring, 
      From tower to town, of Jesus’ birth they joyfully sing. 
      Hallelujah, our king is born. 
      All praise to you, on this Christmas morn.

      From our bell tower the church announces good news to the community.  The organ can be heard by those walking on the nearby...

    • Dec24Sun

      Be Joseph

      Pastor Sebastian's first Christmas Eve sermon December 24, 2017 Pastor Sebastian
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian



      Our Gospel reading from Luke about the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem is perhaps the most famous and most popular Christian story. 

      We hear it year in, year out on Christmas Eve. 

      Sunday School Pageants retell the story of how God so loved the world,

      that God came to earth, and was born a human child, just like any of us,

      and we...