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    • Nov21Wed

      Zombie Lazarus?

      A sermon on John 11 for All Saints Sunday B November 21, 2018

      The story is normally titled the Resurrection of Lazarus,

      but really it should be called the Resuscitation of Lazarus,

      because that is what happens to Lazarus: 

      he is physically resuscitated by Jesus.

    • Schmieder Centennial

      Reflections on the ministry of the Rev. Dr. John Schmieder at St. Matthews (1918-1970) October 22, 2018
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian
      According to Sam Weicker, he performed 10,725 ministerial acts at St. Mathews, including 3,745 baptisms, 3,374 confirmations, 1,681 funerals.
    • Reflections on CLAY 2018 Youth Gathering

      We are storytellers and story tenders August 27, 2018 Pastor Sebastian
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian
      But rejoice: there are still faithful youth, and they are here and ready to worship, learn and meet, especially in a format that is geared to them.
    • Aug21Tue

      Slow Food

      August 21, 2018 Pastor Carey
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      Have you ever listened, really listened? 

      To the sounds of the busy world; 

      people walking, people talking, horns blowing,

       factories going, rushing, rushing, faster, faster.


      Have you ever listened, really listened?

      To leaves talking, as the wind whispers through the trees, 

      to rain falling against a tin roof, or...

    • Aug21Tue

      The Sending of the Twelve: A Reversal

      August 21, 2018 Pastor Carey

      Two parts in today’s Gospel cause me to pause and reflect when I read this text about Jesus commissioning the twelve to go out into the world like missionaries to share God’s good news of healing and wholeness. 

      The first point is, the twelve are not sent out alone to bare seeds of the kingdom. Jesus sends out the twelve in...

    • Jul15Sun

      Prophesying against power

      The Death of John the Baptist (Mark 6) July 15, 2018 Pastor Sebastian
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      So today, in a lazy mid-Summer hot Sunday service,

      we have the best, or perhaps worst, 

      story of sex and violence in the New Testament,

      a story which has inspired artwork and artistic interpretations throughout the ages, from painters like Lucas Cranach to composers like Richard Strauss:

      “The Dance that caused the prophet’s death”

    • Jul5Thu

      Praying for Sick People

      Mark 5: 21-43 July 5, 2018 Pastor Sebastian
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      Do we keep our faith when miracle healings DON’T happen?

      is our faith all in vain, when these intercessions don’t become reality?

      What happens if the sick woman for whom I am praying dies?

    • Jun18Mon

      Love the refugee as yourself

      A sermon for World Refugee Sunday June 18, 2018 Pastor Sebastian
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      We need to help refugees and to oppose policies that degrade human rights of refugees and immigrants (for example the current inhuman practices along the US-Mexican border, and the immoral and wicked separation of children and parents).

    • May29Tue

      Children of God through Baptism

      A Confirmation Sermon on Romans 8:12-17 May 29, 2018 Pastor Sebastian
      There is nothing to fear for we can call out: Mommy, Daddy to our heavenly parent, and God will listen to us and care for us.
    • May15Tue

      Who are the wicked?

      Psalm 1: The way of the wicked and the way of the righteous May 15, 2018
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      I’d like you now to think about this:

      who for you is wicked?

      if you had to name somebody who is wicked, who would that be?

      today, now, 

      who is wicked?