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    • Dec19Sun

      2 things about Mary

      4th Advent Sermon December 19, 2021 by Sebastian Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      Grace and peace be unto you from God our Father,  

      and our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

      Mary went with haste to a town in the hill country

      to visit her aunt Elizabeth.

      Well actually we don’t Elizabeth was Mary’s aunt,

      we just know she was a relative,

      but Elizabeth was really old,  

      and her having a baby was a miracle,

      so she...

    • Dec13Mon

      Joy and Expectation

      A sermon for Advent 3 December 13, 2021 by Sebastian Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      In this Advent season leading to Christmas,

      Probably most of us are feeling at best a cautious joy.

      It’s maybe kind of like how we’re singing in worship,

      We’re not singing much or full out, we’re masked, 

      and we’re not really in the mood.

    • Nov21Sun

      A different kind of King

      A sermon for Christ the King Sunday 2021 November 21, 2021 by Sebastian Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      Almost 40 years ago, a film deemed by an ABC poll to be the 5th greatest film of all time, appeared on screens in movie theatres worldwide. The movie, by director Steven Spielberg, was E.T., The Extra-Terrestrial.

      Some of you might have even seen it.

      “The author of the novel on which the screenplay was based has indicated that she intended...

    • Nov14Sun

      Stitching It Back Together

      November 14, 2021 by Carey Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      25th Sunday after Pentecost

      Hebrews 10: 11-25

      During my seminary time, a beautiful quilt made by Lutheran church ladies was given to each graduating student.   On the day they were gifted, the quilts were draped in the seminary chapel.   The students walked around admiring the work.   I identified my favourite. It was boldly...

    • Oct24Sun

      Celebrating 75 Years of CLWR

      October 24, 2021 by Carey Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      A Grassroots Movements Among Lutherans

      Today we recognize the extraordinary work of Canadian Lutheran world relief. A grassroots movement started by Lutherans in Canada in March 1946 in response to the needs for relief and refuge following the Second World War.   Thousands of refugees were assisted in finding a new home in Canada.   As...

    • Oct3Sun

      Children's Message: Eating Healthy for Our Bodies and the Planet

      October 3, 2021 by Carey Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      Season of Creation Sunday

      Hello dear children of God,

      Do any of you like to help make food creations in the kitchen? Do you pull a chair or stool up to the counter so you can work alongside a grown up? Maybe you like to measure the flour, sugar, salt, eggs, milk, butter and baking powder for pancakes like my kids. Maybe some of you are at the...

    • Oct3Sun

      The Gift of Two Steps Back

      October 3, 2021 by Carey Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      Season of Creation

      Mark 10:2-16

      You may remember the hydro blackout in summer of 2003. Many homes were without power for up to two days.  Do you remember what you were doing? At the time I was a young teacher in my early twenties on summer break staying with my parents. And on that weekend I had a side gig of preparing the meal for my...

    • Sep27Mon

      Truth and Reconciliation

      Orange Shirt Sunday September 27, 2021 by Sebastian Meadows-Helmer

      This Sunday we honour and remember residential school survivors and families and those who never came home.

    • Sep20Mon

      Wisdom from above

      Sermon on James 3 September 20, 2021 by Sebastian Meadows-Helmer

      James often sounds like what could be called

      “Mother’s advice”,

      Something anyone might remember their mother saying to them:


      Be careful who you spend time with.

      Watch your tongue.

      Be kind to others.

    • Sep12Sun

      A Denying or Nurturing God?

      September 12, 2021 by Carey Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      Mark 8:27-38

      The Gospel opens with Jesus in conversation with the people, Who do people say that I am? He asks of his followers. 

      I am reminded of a poem penned by Dietrich Bonhoeffer while in a prison. He compares the exulted way in which others sometimes see and speak of him, with the more uncertain and vulnerable way he sees himself....