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    • Sep5Sun

      Crossing boundaries

      A sermon on Mark 7 September 5, 2021 by Sebastian Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      When someone says something horrible one is often too shocked to know what to say. So what does the woman respond?

      Does she insult him back, and tell him to go back where he came from, back to the sticks, back to the backwoods of Galilee?

      Does she confront him and say “how dare you call me a dog”?

    • Aug30Mon

      Godly behaviour: Quick Listeners and Word Doers

      A sermon for Pentecost 14 August 30, 2021 by Sebastian Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      Anger, in certain circumstances, is completely justified. 

      But it shouldn’t lead.

      It should follow listening, and talking, and dialoguing.

    • Jul25Sun

      The Sickness of Scarity or the Health of Abundance

      July 25, 2021 by Carey Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      Feeding the 5000

      The crowd gathered. It was a big crowd gathered near Jesus.  Or as close as they could get.  The hillside full. Five thousand people, John’s Gospel says. And that’s likely just counting the men. A crowd that could fill the Aud at or beyond capacity. 

      On the grass, the people came together. The place...

    • Jul18Sun

      Pondering Privilege

      A preamble to Rev. Prema Samuel's Sermon on Mark 6:30-34 July 18, 2021 by Sebastian Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      I could just play it safe and hoard my privilege to myself, 

      or I could make myself more vulnerable and take some risks, 

      potentially take some flak by standing up a little for those people who rate lower on the privilege scale: women, LGBT, People of Colour, 

      because they have to endure harassment and discrimination on a scale that I never have had to experience. 

    • Jul11Sun

      A queer reading of King David

      A sermon on Pentecost 7 July 11, 2021 by Sebastian Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      “Their love is cemented in a covenant Jonathan makes with David- a commitment to one another in the form of a union.
      This text does not require a reader to have a finely tuned gaydar to be able to see it as an example of same-sex commitment.
      The emotional attachment between the two men is undeniable,
      and the fact that their relationship was publicly condoned by the men in the army is significant”. (Queer Theologies, Chris Greenough, 2020)

    • Jul4Sun

      God’s Work is to Create Connections Among Us

      July 4, 2021 by Carey Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      Sermon Pentecost 6B 

      In the book, Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer talks about family camping trips in the Adironacks, to the tallest peak called Mount Marcy or in Algonquin, Tahawus.  Robin recalls how her family taught her the importance leaving the site in good shape. Cleaning up the campsite had the goal of leaving it...

    • Jun27Sun

      A letter RE Conversion Therapy

      A question of social and ethical justice June 27, 2021 by Sebastian Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      As far as I and many other Christians are concerned, homophobia, transphobia and conversion therapy are sins.

    • Jun22Tue

      Do you not care that we are perishing?

      A sermon for Indigenous Peoples' Sunday June 22, 2021 by Sebastian Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      And echoes the cries of indigenous people these days:

      Do you, white folks, not care that we are perishing?

      Are we, like Jesus, asleep in the boat, 

      completely oblivious to the hardships that First Nations are enduring, 

      since we are comfortable, curled up asleep on our cushion?

    • Jun13Sun

      Faith Like a Mustard Seed

      June 13, 2021 by Carey Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      3rd Sunday after Pentecost

        Mark 4: 25-34


      Today for my sermon, I’ve got a mashup for you of what’s helped me weed through the Gospel parable. It’s about:

      A Mustard Seed


      Screen Time



      A Mustard Seed, Really?

      We start with this quaint parable of a mustard seed, the smallest of all...

    • Jun6Sun

      God’s family is queer!

      Celebrating a decade of LGBTQ2SIA+ inclusion in the ELCIC June 6, 2021 by Sebastian Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      Not to say that the traditional nuclear family isn’t good, 

      but there shouldn’t be a hierarchy, 

      but an equality amongst different forms of family. 

      All kinds of family have their good, their bad and their ugly.