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    • Apr12Sun

      An Easter Message for the Children

      A Muted Alleluia Chorus April 12, 2020
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      Pr. Carey

      Hi children of God,


      I am so glad you joined us this morning.  Happy Easter to you! 


      What’s that word we look forward to saying on Easter?

      Yes, you’ve got it. Alleluia!  Alleluia means, Praise the Lord.


      Now I want you to say, Alleluia, as loud as you can.


      Ready, set, GO! 

      Okay. I think that was okay but it’s Easter so let’s try it again. 

      Tell your mommy and daddy to plug their ears or join in. 

      Ready, set, Go!




      Wow. That was loud. Your neighbours might have heard you.


      Children, now I’d like you to say Alleluia in a different way. 

      I’d like you to whisper an Alleluia.



      Say it again in a whisper.   



      Sometimes our Alleluias are loud and sometimes our Alleluias are muted. That means quiet.  


      Today our alleluias might seem muted but it doesn’t mean they are any less meaningful.  One reason is that we’re not together as a big group of people, like we normally are at church on Easter Sunday.  We are in our homes with our muted alleluias. 


      Have you ever said alleluia in your home before?

      Well now you have and that is a beautiful thing.


      Imagine all the quiet and muted alleluias coming from houses all over the world.  Your alleluias are blowing in the wind like a beautiful prayer and praise to the Lord.


      Our alleluias are dancing on the tree tops and carried on the wings of the birds, trickling down the streams, whispering God’d hope of life to all creation. 


      Whether it’s a quiet Alleluia or a loud Alleluia, either way, it’s a glorious Alleluia.  


      So I have an idea.

      While we might be inclined to count the number of days it has been since we’ve started staying home a little more than usual (for me, I know it has been 5 Sundays) let’s shift our focus.


      Instead let’s count the moments that cause us to say Alleluia.  The moments where we give our thanks to God. The moments when we can’t help but sing Alleluia.  The moments where we are surprised by a God who gives new life over and over again. A God who’s love surprises us day in and day out.


      So children of God, fill this day, the weeks and maybe even months to come with a chorus of Alleluias. Christ has Risen in spite of it all. Christ will continue to rise.


      When you see the colourful spring flowers open or the buds growing larger on the trees. When you see a friend out on a walk and you give a big wave. When you show up at the empty tomb to meet the Risen Lord with fear and joy. When in the quiet of your home you come to know God’s deep and persistent joy made alive in you. When you run to tell of this joy to others.


      The resurrection isn’t our thing. We can’t make the resurrection happen. That’s the really cool part.  It’s not up to us. It’s fully God’s deal. It’s God’s doing. It’s God saying a big YES to humanity.  


      Children of God, let’s count the moments marked by Alleluias. 

      I think it’s likely we’ll lose track. 


      Let us pray,
      Risen Lord, you surprise us with goodness and mercy. For this we are grateful. Alleluia! Amen


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