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    • Apr14Sun

      God Surprises Us

      April 14, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      There once was an ad campaign by a major insurance company that said, “Sometimes life comes at you fast.”

      No doubt. Life comes at us fast. In our urban, fast-paced, hyper-technological world, that is certainly the case.

      But life also feels as though it rushes at us, when there’s stress at work, demands at home, a grim medical...

    • Mar29Fri

      “Life of Pi” … and the Cross

      March 29, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      In the story “Life of Pi” recently made into a movie, which some of you may’ve seen or read the book, the main character’s name is Pi. Already as a young boy, Pi starts to explore different religions: Hinduism, Islam and Christianity.

      His curiosity and enthusiasm leads him to embrace and participate in many of the key...

    • Mar24Sun

      Even Stones …

      March 24, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      When we hear the word “passion”, it’s often used in the context of a question: “What’s your passion?”; that is, what’s your strong interest or unique talent, or a driving force behind a personal hobby, goal or mission?

      Scuba-diving. Wood-working. Studying the medieval history of the papal conclave in the...

    • Mar21Thu

      The Wheel of Community & Contemplation

      March 21, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      I know it’s hard to believe on a day like today, given the last couple of days of a resurgence of winter, but we really are heading toward spring, really!

      Isn’t today officially the first day of spring, the spring equinox, March 20?

      My thoughts naturally turn toward one of my favourite things to do in the spring and summer –...

    • Mar7Thu

      Making Promises: Why We do That

      March 7, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Of all the world religions, Christianity places a high premium on community. “Christian” spirituality is uniquely communal. Our relationship with God is nurtured, formed within a group of people.

      One of the most distinctive things we do, is gather together. We worship together. We pray together. We sing together. We commune together...

    • Mar7Thu

      About Church Renewal: Practices Not Programs

      March 7, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      At a recent meeting at the church, we were discussing how important it is to emphasize the positive, good, and effective ministry, activities, and practices in our faith community. We have every reason to be grateful and joyful. As a people of God, as part of the household and family of faith stretching throughout the generations and centuries,...

    • Mar3Sun

      Underwater Surprise

      March 3, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Did you see last week’s episode of “The Amazing Race?” Are you watching that? I guess we’re all waiting for “The Amazing Race – Canada” to air. It didn’t this time, but I’m sure next time.

      Anyway, in last week’s episode, in one of the more creative challenges, contestants were required...

    • Feb24Sun

      What Mom Always Says at the Dinner Table

      February 24, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Sitting around the kitchen table at my parents’ place in Ottawa, my mother finishes bringing all the food to the table – chicken schnitzel, scalloped potatoes, buttered string green beans. We give our thanks to God, and start loading up our plates with this warm, steaming, savoury food.

      And no sooner is my mouth full, and I’m...

    • Feb20Wed

      Why Do We Eat Together? A Meditation for Lent

      February 20, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Marieta Holst made the best cakes ever.

      At least that’s what I, as a ten-year-old, wholeheartedly believed.

      This great early memory of sinking my teeth into a deep, moist, vanilla sponge-type flat cake with the best vanilla or chocolate icing in the world (with those green, blue and pink icing flowers on the corners) – that great...

    • Feb3Sun

      A View from Earth-Orbit

      February 3, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield onboard the International Space Station orbiting the earth has been tweeting photos of the earth.

      I along with over a quarter million other “followers” have been following Hadfield on Twitter, and checking now and then for the latest amazing photo of a mountain range in Venezuela, or a desert expanse...