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    • Mar29Sun

      A Message for the Children

      Lent 5 Reference to John 11 March 29, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      Good morning, children of God! 

      I hope you are all managing okay in the safety of your house. 


      What have you been doing? Have you built some tents? Doing crafts? Writing messages on the sidewalks? Playing with lego?  I hope you are helping with chores. Some of your Sunday school teachers have been sewing masks. 



    • We are the dry bones now.

      A sermon on Ezekiel 37 for Lent 5 March 29, 2020

      We are feeling like dried-up, disconnected bones, and we wonder:

      will we ever get back to normal?

    • Mar22Sun

      Sermon By Rev. Dr. Allen Jorgenson for Lent 3

      Professor of Systematic Theology and Assistant Dean at Martin Luther University College March 22, 2020

      John 4:5-42


      Sometimes scripture has words, phrases, images, questions that leap off the page.  Today I have such an experience when I read, and echo, the words of the disciples:

      Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?


      The disciples are really asking: why is there pain in the world?  Why is...

    • Mar15Sun

      Pastoral Letter about the Coronavirus

      Read Sunday, March 15 March 15, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      Dear St. Matthews family and our wider community,


      This week the World Health Organization declared the Coronovirus to be a pandemic.  Covid - 19 has now come closer to home and we feel it is now our responsibility to take greater precautions as recommended by Health Canada .


      Your Pastoral Team and Board of Directors wrestled...

    • Mar9Mon

      Into the Unknown

      Abram’s call to a new land; Lent 2 March 9, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      But we need to move from a pessimistic nostalgia 

      To a hopeful optimism, together, for the future,

      Based on the resources of the past and present.

    • Living Into a Healthy Power

      First Sunday in Lent March 4, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      Both the Gospel and our sending hymn - Bless Now, O God, the Journey intrigue me. For my sermon, I’d like the two to have a conversation. 

      Bless now, O God the journey that all your people make, the path through noise and silence, the way of give and take. The trail is found in desert and winds the mountain round, then leads beside...

    • Feb24Mon

      90th Golden Hour Anniversary Reflections

      3 reflections on anniversary hymns February 24, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      90 years later, we no longer have a St. Matthews Brotherhood, 

      or a Witness committee, 

      or any group committed to evangelism, 

      and this is perhaps indicative of some of our problems.

    • Be the Salt! Be the Light!

      Epiphany 5 February 9, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey


      The children’s message and sermon were combined today for the Intergenerational Worship experience. 


      In the Gospel today we hear,


      You are the salt of the earth. 

      You are light of the world.  


      Jesus was gathered on the hillside beside the Sea of Galilee. Many people were gathered with him. They...

    • The Great Controversy

      Epiphany 4 February 2, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey



      There is no shortage of controversy in the world today.   

      Controversy, hideous, heart breaking and historical. 


      Controversy sells and we are consumers. Tabloid headlines of news that isn’t really news. Creating controversy where there really is none.


      In the day to day,...

    • Jan28Tue

      Catholic Luther

      Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: a sermon preached at St. Mary's Catholic Church on January 26th January 28, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      Martin Luther, from where we get the word “Lutheran” 

      was a Catholic, 

      both small c and capital C.