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    • Jun4Thu

      Pentecost Virtual Holy Communion

      A sermon for Pentecost Sunday, May 31, 2020 June 4, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      So this passage (Numbers 11) is perhaps a good pandemic reference for us.

      The Holy Spirit is poured out on those even if they’re not present,

      And if we hold this as true, we can say that communion 

      (mediated by the Holy Spirit) is also valid if we’re scattered all about.

    • Christ ascends, and the Spirit will descend

      Jesus Raised, the Sequel

      A sermon for Ascension Sunday May 25, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      So the Feast of the Ascension should be important to us as worshipping Christians, but it isn’t.


      Why not?

      I think part of it, is that it’s an awkward story for us 

      modern enlightened people.

    • May10Sun

      God's Escape Room

      Fifth Sunday of Easter May 10, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      Fifth Sunday of Easter
      Scripture: John 14:1-7


      Escape Rooms 

      An activity growing in popularity these days is something called an escape room.  You have to solve clues to get out a room. It’s not meant to be a scary experience. It’s meant to engage your mind and the strength of the team you are working with. The goal:...

    • May4Mon

      Our comforting Shepherd for pandemic times

      Easter 4, Good Shepherd Sunday May 4, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      God is a source of comfort, not just in theory, but in real situations, 

      like what we are in today.

    • Discovering God Along the Way

      Third Sunday of Easter April 26, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      Luke 24: 13-35

      What have you discovered along the way? 

      We knelt at the cross. Ran to the tomb. Today we walk on the road to Emmaus.
      While we’re often in a hurry to get to the destination, some of the most profound moments are stops or challenges along the way, those planned or spontaneous.  Moments where a connection is made...

    • Apr20Mon

      Doubting and Confessing Thomas

      Easter 2, April 19 2020 sermon April 20, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      Paradoxically, it is the Doubting disciple who gets the most attention. 

      It is the hurting, isolated disciple with whom Jesus spends the most time.

    • Apr13Mon

      Just like the first Easter

      Easter Sunday Sermon 2020 April 13, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      Perhaps important to acknowledge
      is that we are in a time very similar to the very first Easter!

      Easter 2020 is like Easter 33,

      Where the disciples were huddled together in fear.

      Things were deadly quiet. Things were weird and strange.

    • Apr12Sun

      An Easter Message for the Children

      A Muted Alleluia Chorus April 12, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      Hi children of God,


      I am so glad you joined us this morning.  Happy Easter to you! 


      What’s that word we look forward to saying on Easter?

      Yes, you’ve got it. Alleluia!  Alleluia means, Praise the Lord.


      Now I want you to say, Alleluia, as loud as you can.


      Ready, set, GO! 

      Okay. I...

    • It’s about love

      Good Friday Sermon 2020 April 10, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      Jesus lived his life, died and rose so that we all would receive God’s love,

      and that Jesus would be in us, in our hearts.

      Jesus did what he did, so that we would know him and thereby know God.

      Because when we see Jesus, we see God!

    • Apr5Sun

      A Message for You

      Sunday of the Palm & Passion April 5, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey


      This morning, there are three parts to my reflection. The first is based on the scripture narratives of today, and the overarching narratives of our faith life. The second part is comprised of words of hope, prayer and lament for you. The third part is an audio clip from some of our children here at St. Matthews.  ...