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      A letter RE Conversion Therapy

      A question of social and ethical justice June 27, 2021 by Sebastian Meadows-Helmer
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      Three weeks ago, I challenged you to support our LGBTQ2SIA+ siblings by writing to your MP regarding bill C-6 on Conversion Therapy. 

      Some might say that this is a political move, but I think this is a question of social and ethical justice, advocating on behalf of a marginalized community, to reduce harm in the society where we all as Christians live. 

      It is a form of helping those in need, 

      and this support has been requested by the queer community.

      In order to practice what I preach, I myself wrote a letter, 

      which I’ll read to you now:


      Dear Mr. Saini, 


      I would like to express my support for Bill C-6 (Conversion Therapy).


      “Conversion therapy” causes psychological and emotional damage to individuals receiving this treatment, and places them at greater risk of self-harm and suicide. I know individuals who have been so harmed. These practices (esp. when they involve children or are against a person’s will) have no place in an inclusive society such as ours.


      I would also like to criticize certain Christians who are opposing this bill on account of “freedom of religion” or other supposedly Christian values. They do not speak for all Christians, and they do not speak for me. All humans are made in God’s image, and the diversity of humanity is a testament to the amazing nature of the Creator. When individuals are called upon to reject who they truly are, God weeps. 

      As far as I and many other Christians are concerned, homophobia, transphobia and conversion therapy are sins.


      Yours sincerely,


      The Rev. Sebastian Meadows-Helmer

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