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    • Sep8Sun

      Who Do We Think We are, Really?

      September 8, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Who are we, really, without all our stuff, our possessions?

      In our consumer society, we’re constantly surrounded by so much stuff we can buy and have.

      We’re tempted always to want more.

      We become what we buy.

      We so closely identify with all our possessions, which then become to “possess” us, enthrall us, overwhelm us.


    • Aug26Mon

      Guilt and Grace

      August 26, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Katherine

      Imagine. For eighteen years, the woman can’t straighten her spine. The weight of her life pressing down on her discs, curving her back, so that her frame of reference gets smaller and smaller. Her world becomes the circle just in front of her feet, no longer able to feel the sun on her face, no longer able to see the stars at night. Then...

    • Aug18Sun

      The Perfections & Imperfections of our Lives

      August 18, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Why does Jesus sound so stressed, strident, divisive? (Luke 12:49-56) Jesus saying that he hasn’t come to bring peace, but instead, division, is really strange. Jesus saying that households would be divided father against son, mother against daughter, confuses us. Why does Jesus say this? Why this upsetting image of conflict and division?


    • One of the myths of the active spiritual life – of someone engaging in regular silent prayer and meditation – is that it’s all about, and leads merely to an exclusively private, withdrawn, passive existence sequestered far away from the public realm. This myth needs de-bunking. In truth, the more time anyone spends studying and...
    • Jul28Sun

      The Best Parent

      July 28, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      One of your questions for this summer’s “Wrestling with the Big Questions” sermon series, had to do with our parents, and the Fourth Commandment which states we are to honour our parents.

      And how is it that we can honour our parents, in situations where one or both of them had a decidedly negative or destructive impact on us?


    • Jul21Sun

      On Golden Lake …

      July 21, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Two weeks ago, I was reclining on a lounge chair on a small beach area on Golden Lake, west of Eganville. It was early evening. The sun was setting over the trees at the western shore of the lake. Nothing stirred. Everything was serene, calm, quiet.

      I loved it. The water surface was as flat and smooth as a mirror. The air and sky around me had...

    • Jun30Sun

      Translating Good Nudges into Action

      June 30, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      Have you ever had that nudge, that inkling to do something good, but you never end up doing it? To send a card, a note or letter – of thanks, or of congratulations, or of sympathy to someone – but you never do it?

      We see or hear about a need in the church – a need to update the website, or a need to invite a friend to church,...

    • Jun2Sun

      Soldier, teach us something…

      June 2, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      On the surface, this story seems to be, again, one of those amazing, spectacular “miracle stories” of Jesus – that Jesus can heal someone even from a distance. Merely by mention of a word, and not even being right there in the same room with the person, touching the person, holding the person, looking into their eyes, Jesus...

    • May28Tue

      Wisdom takes her stand at the Gates

      May 28, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Katherine

      On Monday we saw the forces of nature unleashed with a massive category EF5 tornado, the most powerful category for tornadoes. It ripped through the southern limits of Oklahoma City, directly in Moore, devastating the town and the people there.  24 people were killed, 9 of them school children, and 237 were injured.  The tornado cut a...

    • May19Sun

      Holy Spirit? What is that?

      May 19, 2013
      Filed Under:
      Pr. David

      I don’t know if you’ve ever had the embarrassing experience of someone giving you a gift, only to realize, after opening it, that you absolutely don’t have any idea what it is, or what it’s for.
      What’s even worse, is when the person who’s given you the gift is standing right there in front of you, watching you...