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    • Dec20Sun

      Mary Brave and Strong

      December 20, 2020

      Fourth Sunday of Advent 
      Luke 1         
      Scripture Meditation on Mary's Song of Praise  ( https: oAq-c6nrcYY )

      Mary of the Gospel 

      Today we hear both the Annunciation and the Magnificat, strangely in reverse order.

      The annunciation story - does just that - it announces that Mary will have a...

    • Dec13Sun

      Virtual Christmas Pageant: The Letter

      December 13, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey
      St. Matthews 2020 Virtual Christmas Pageant Presents: 

      The Letter.  (Written by Lana Moses)

      An Intergeneration Event of Story, Poetry and Song

      Listen Here:
    • Dec6Sun

      Comfort ye

      A sermon for a COVID Advent December 6, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      Through this year, and into the new year, 

      we need to cling fast to the promises that Israel clung to,

      The covenant, the contractual relationship between God and God’s people.

      God will not abandon us and God does not abandon us.

      God promises comfort, and comfort will come.

    • Dec1Tue

      Prepare Slower

      A reflection on Advent 1 upon playing Bach's "Sleepers Wake" Cantata December 1, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      This Advent 2020, we need to set aside our previous preparations, 

      our preconceived notions, our busyness and more than ever, 

      try to slow down, so we can connect with each other, 

      hear each other 

      and help each other.

    • Nov23Mon

      Following Christ as Shepherd and King

      A sermon for the Reign of Christ 2020 November 23, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      In those passages.

      irresponsible leadership is contrasted with 

      God (the good shepherd) as leader.

      God the good shepherd, we are reminded

      is a good leader active here and now.

      God is active in the world!!

      Amidst the worries and concerns of this Second COVID Wave.

      God cares for humanity

    • Nov15Sun

      Empowered by God to Empower Others

      November 15, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      The Parable of the Talents

      Matthew 25:14-30



      This week I happened upon this lovely activity of encouragement

      When you thought I wasn’t looking, I saw you ….

      Take the time to be curious about by asking question.

      Pick up the litter on the sidewalk

      Cut your neighbours lawn.


      And I learned ….


    • Nov11Wed

      Serve the Lord!

      A sermon for "Board Installation Sunday" November 11, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      Before Joshua receives a response, he leads by example and answers his own question himself:

      but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord (V15)

      Perhaps one of the most famous verses from the entire book.

    • Nov2Mon

      Wiping COVID Tears

      A sermon for All Saints Sunday 2020 November 2, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian


      You can’t say a proper good-bye now when someone dies.

      And this has profound implications.

      It increases our suffering, and our need for comfort and consolation.

      But where will that come from?


      Our reading today provides that answer:

      From the shelter and canopy of God’s enduring presence with God’s people.

    • Oct25Sun

      God in the Midst of the Mess

      October 25, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Carey

      Psalm 46, John 8:31-36 


      God in the Midst of the Mess

      The Psalm assigned for this morning, is the one that inspired Deacon Scott’s composition that you just heard. It is also the one that inspired Luther to write, A Mighty Fortress.  The hymn, which according to Ulrich Leupold, "epitomizes Luther's thought and...

    • Oct19Mon

      Give to God what is God’s: the church in a quandary

      Foundation Sunday/ AGM Sermon October 19, 2020
      Filed Under:
      Pr. Sebastian

      I think we need to stop hoarding.

      And to remember the preschool adage, 

      that sharing is caring.